Zero to Conversational In 10 Months

What Classes Does EM Offer?

  • Our ground-breaking curriculum is the single fastest way to learn Mandarin.

    This 4-week course is for absolute beginners and serves as an intro to our Fluency Series. This is the single best introduction you will find to Mandarin, and will help you understand if ExcelMandarin is the school for you.

    After 4 weeks you will have a solid foundation, allowing you to:

    • Introduce yourself in Mandarin

    • Ask some basic questions

    • Describe where you are going

    • Discuss the time and place of events

    Course Details:

    • 4 weeks long

    • 3 classes per week*

    • 1.25 hours per class

    • $495 tuition

    Basic Course Layout:

    1. Week 0: learn tones & pinyin

    2. Week 1: Simple sentences & making introductions

    3. Week 2: Expressing when and where we do things

    4. Week 3: Comprehensive review & practice

    *The first week of class will only be two classes, as there will be a lot of prep work — we want you to have more time to prepare

  • The Fluency Series is our speaking-focused, introductory program. Students who complete the series will achieve a CEFR high A2 - mid B1 level of Mandarin.

    The series is composed of 4 quarters, and covers all the core communication skills you need to speak Mandarin. You can find course information below:

    Course Details:

    • Each quarter is 7 weeks long

    • 3 classes per week

    • 1.25 hours per class

    • $1400 / quarter*

    After Each Quarter I’ll be able to:

    1. Quarter 1: “Tell a simple story chronologically.”

    2. Quarter 2: “Make travel plans & invite people to get food.”

    3. Quarter 3: “Describe my daily life & habits.”

    4. Quarter 4: “Convince someone to move to my favorite city.”

    *A tuition deposit of $600 is due at enrollment for each quarter, followed by two separate installments of $400 at the 3rd & 5th weeks of classes.

  • This 6-week cyclical curriculum is an offering unique to ExcelMandarin. It is designed to help you break through the several intermediate plateaus that arise after 2-3 years of study. Students who complete the series will achieve a CEFR B2 level of Mandarin.

    This course is perfect for students who've reached an upper A2 to mid B1 level in Mandarin and find themselves feeling burnout, and having trouble improving their spoken fluency. The course details are below:

    Course Details:

    • Each quarter is 6 weeks long

    • 2 classes per week

    • 1 hour per class

    • $350 / cycle

    • Start & pause based on your needs

    A little more Explanaton:

    First, it's important to understand the content structure of a cycle; each cycle will exactly follow this 6-week pattern:

    1. 生活 -- daily life & culture

    2. 工作 -- work life

    3. 爱好 -- hobbies & interests

    4. 旅游 -- travel

    5. 饮食文化 -- cuisine

    6. 总复习 -- culminative review

    These topics will form our baseline, but the exact videos and audio we'll use, our vocab and conversations, etc. will be slightly different between cycles.

    For instance, in one cycle, we'll discuss WOOFING programs for "travel", while in another we'll discuss Rural Tourism trends. As you can imagine there is a lot of shared ground to discuss between these two sub-topics.

    We design the content blocks so that the vocab, grammar, and ideas you learn to express in one cycle will inevitably show up in the next. This means that learning to express ideas like "the calm of the country-side" and "the satisfaction of growing plants" in the WOOFING cycle, will help you discuss Rural Tourism in the next cycle.

    Put simply, with careful content and conversation design, we've created a course where you have concrete "landmarks" to help you identify the progress you're making.

Click the arrows for prices and course information!

Some of the reasons that our institute is truly outstanding:

1. Super Small Class Sizes

❤️ Intimate class sizes, maximizing the attention you get from teachers

2. Unparalleled Teacher Support

🧑‍🏫 24/7 access to the friendliest, coolest, and most helpful teacher network

3. Unlimited, Tailored Feedback

🎯 Get Personalized feedback after every class & assignment within 24 hours

4. We Adapt to Fit Your Needs

📚We spend 100s of hours each quarter to improve our curriculum & meet your needs!

Our system gets you fluent 3x faster than UW, NYU, or Berkeley —

AND we are $11,000 cheaper.

Let us show you what we are about.

6 More Reasons to Learn with ExcelMandarin

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